TJ’s advice on the challenges and market changes relevant to SME construction companies searching for talent on the West Coast.
Frequency: every month or two .
The Importance of Employee Retention: Insights from a Veteran Recruiter As a recruiter with over a decade of experience in the construction industry as well as 7 years of running my own company, I’ve gained unique insights into employee retention. While my focus has been on construction, these lessons apply broadly across industries. Let me […]
We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience. John Dewey You or your team hired someone who failed. They may not have had the skills, character, personality, or perspective that the position required. Hello I’m a title It’s easy to write the failure off completely to the candidate, setting yourself up […]
The greatest improvement in 2022 we see for our clients is to invest heavily to scale leadership impact by hiring, developing, and retaining leaders who can perpetuate the company vision at a larger sustainable scale. Make middle management great again! There’s no lack of work out there. There’s a serious lack of engaged talent. Leadership […]
“Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.” — Richard Branson You cannot solve all your company’s problems but you can hire all the right people to solve them and then your company will be successful. ACCURIZE YOUR HIRING 1. Understand your […]
“When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” – Simon Sinek Employee retention rates are not only in the best interest of the company but the employees as well. It is in everyone’s best interest to have a reason to keep a good job for […]
I was just asked “How should we digitize tracking employee engagement to reduce the management burden?” There is a dangerously flawed assumption in this question that engagement can be digitized. Measuring employee engagement cannot be boiled down to a simple equation based engagement metric. Employees must be actively engaged by their managers in order to […]
“I really dislike the hiring managers that did not disclose the known toxicity of their hazardous workplaces to me.” ― Steven Magee Most companys struggle to describe culture because they don’t trust their perspective. They know they have a bias, especially in great companies. Additionally, what leaders feel the culture is may not be the […]
One thing I’m noticing and watching closely is a growing relational disconnect between employers and employees. This is apparent in the prevailing viral LI posts, media, and our personal experiences here at ASG. We believe there is something here for all of us to learn from. We also believe this is intrinsically related to the […]
In Keith Ferazzi’s Never Eat Alone, he speaks immensely on the importance of growing your network and how to do it to grow your career, brand, or company. His knowledge and tips apply at the managerial scale as well. Every great manager is a multi-faceted creature but would be nothing without the collective efforts of their […]
There is a cultural/media reaction going on to the concept of boss vs leader. You see a lot of memes and pithy quotes on the difference. Some have this idea that leadership can be a process of entirely positive reinforcement, devoid of hard accountability, and that is sadly mistaken. Management is presented as top-down and […]