November 20th, 2022

TJ Kastning

“Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.”

— Richard Branson

You cannot solve all your company’s problems but you can hire all the right people to solve them and then your company will be successful.


1. Understand your expectations and communicate them in the hiring process. Build organizational key performance indicators (KPIs) for roles, teams, managers, and the company. Don’t hire someone unless you understand how their past teams have understood ‘success’, how they do, and how your team understands ‘success’. It’s different in each company.

DO NOT HIRE THEM UNLESS YOU CAN COMMUNICATE WHAT THEY NEED TO DO TO BE SUCCESSFUL. Otherwise, it’s your fault when you fire them or they quit.

2. Remove muddy interview subjectivity with a disciplined process. If four people interview a candidate, you should not get four different answers on hiring them. Each interviewer should understand the criteria candidates are being evaluated against.

A conversation about KPIs past and future are helpful here. Personality assessments can also provide useful insight to develop specific and nuanced interview questions to understand this person relative to the responsibilities and team you may give them.

3. Develop real relationships through the interview process. This means interviewing them in different places, for different durations, with different people, all while asking different questions driven by assessments, company culture, KPIs, and understanding what the candidate believes ‘success’ is.

Some hiring authorities have an immense advantage because their relationship-building skills attract the candidate while providing useful insight on the candidate. Caring about the candidate as a unique and valuable person, regardless of if they get the job, is practically cheating. So cheat away.

4. Hire candidates whose natural inclinations, values, and ambition align with those of your company. If you are sure you can provide a work ecosystem where the candidate can feel accomplished, it is time to make a competitive offer.

It may not matter that they were successful before if you do not share values.

5. Do not haggle on compensation. You will reap what you sow. Ask the candidate about their expectations early and decide if you can give them what they are asking through the interview process. Do not negotiate before developing their respect and trust.

There are many variables in hiring situations and the most important constant is transparency and fairness. Do not ruin a good process with a cheap offer as if you are bartering at a garage sale. Good offers well delivered create loyalty. Loyalty starts with demonstrating your care for their success.

Good hiring is relationship building, engenders mutual respect, objective, disciplined, transparent and fair.

“The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths to hire the best people in the world.”

— Steve Jobs


If you want to hire an experienced recruiter who cares about the proper process for better results, we should talk about how Ambassador Search Group may serve you. We look for thoughtful companies who care about people.
