Do you consider your hiring process as key to your competitive advantage?
If not, you are failing to compete at a fundamental level.
Companies are their people. The quality of your company and solutions is determined by your people. Your ability to acquire the best people directly impacts your customers and market stature.
Run a construction company, study up! Run a manufacturing plant, study up! Provide legal services, study up! No matter what your business is, you are always in the business of hiring great people. Hone your recruiting, interviewing, attraction, and retention if you want a great company.
Without excellent hiring and management, your effort to provide competitive solutions is foolhardy.
- Attract better candidates (not more, that just creates more work)
- Interview promptly and maintain the initiative. Don’t let the candidate get bored.
- Set clear expectations throughout your process which you cohesively hold the employee accountable for in their review.
- Gather lots of information on each candidate by listening carefully and ask specific challenging follow-up questions with an inquisitive tone.
- Don’t wait. Act. Fight complacency. Meet tomorrow. Schedule the next meeting for the same week. Make the offer promptly. Maintain momentum. Expect acceptance quickly (don’t give candidates time to shop your offer around).